This page has all of the information related to messages.yml file.
📝 Example configuration:
prefix: "<gradient:#ae00f2:#be5cff:#ae00f2><bold>AfroPetsFriends<reset>"
no_permission_command: "<red>You don't have peremissions to use this command!"
no_permission_pet: "<red>You don't have permissions to use this pet!"
player_command: "<red>This command can only be used by players!"
reload: "<white>Plugin realoded!"
no_pets_available: "<red>No pets available in configuration!"
pet_selected: "<green>You selected the pet: <gold>{pet_name}<green>!"
pet_despawn: "<green>The pet was hidden"
pets: "<white>Usage: <green>/afropetsfriends <menu|about|reload>"
Messages supports MiniMessage format, more informations here.